What is a Modular Video?

A modular video is a flexible format that allows you to test different scenarios within one video. Different parts, or modules, make up the video. We can use these parts separately or combined with one another.

The trick to a good modular video is to ensure that each module works just as well alone as combined with it’s other parts. This creates a truly versatile format with virtually endless possibilities in terms of video duration and scenario. You can tailor your message to your audience and the context in which they find themselves.

The Advantages of Creating Modular Videos


If it is done right, using a modular video approach can be a very cost efficient production method. It forces you to focus on what is essential. How will you get your point across in 15-20 second micro moments? Now don’t get me wrong, the idea here isn’t to cut corners in terms of quality! You just spend more time narrowing down your concept and deciding what the most important elements are before shooting.

Limit Risks

There is nothing worse than a big budget idea that backfires on you. When I wrote this article the Pepsi and Kendall Jenner incident was still a relatively recent event and, although many will argue that there is no such thing as bad publicity, I think we can all agree that this is not the message that Pepsi intended to send.

Pepsi has the advantage of being a large and established brand that can weather this type of PR incident. By the time you read this article you may not even remember what it was even about.

For the rest of us mortals however this is a PR disaster that could have permanently damaged our image. You don’t want to take a risk on something like this and rolling out on a smaller scale could have prevented the backlash.

A|B Testing

Which brings me to the advantages of A|B testing with modular videos. A|B testing in digital marketing is old news. It is always surprising to see video still lagging behind in this department – especially considering the huge risk control and cost saving opportunity it represents. With a versatile format you can easily test and get information about how your audience is reacting to your message, keep what’s working and kill what isn’t.

So Why Isn’t Everyone Doing it Already?

Funnily enough – because video production is still known to be one of the most costly creatives to produce, many advertisers and production companies are hesitant to risk moving away from a method that works. The risk of actually pitching a video as a digital-first-fail-fast method sends alarm bells in many a seasoned decision makers. Good video costs money, end of story.

Now, good video does cost money. But effective video doesn’t have to. Many videos that went viral in the last few years have been simple and cheap to produce, some have even been completely fan-made. Despite the increasing popularity of the ‘real’, ‘raw’ and ‘uneditied’ feel we are seeing more and more (like the Dove Real Beauty Sketch commercial). Many brands & production companies still find it hard to fully commit to productions that are a bit rougher around the edges. For many this is still just ‘not done’.

What Should You Keep in Mind to Get the Best Out of Your Modular Video

  1. Make sure your modules are very different from each other.
  2. ..that being said, make sure that, although they are very different, they still follow a coherent theme or setting so they look like they belong together
  3. Make sure your modules are not testing too many different things. You want 3 variables at the most or you will find it difficult to interpret your results.
  4. Make sure you test your video against a broad audience but that you can segment results for deeper insights to find your foundation segments to launch a diminishing return strategy.